How to Verify the Wi-Fi connection on your Flipr Connect

How to Verify the Wi-Fi connection on your Flipr Connect

Flipr Connect is an essential tool to monitor your pool water quality in real time thanks to the innovative technology of Flipr AnalysR V3. To make sure your Flipr Connect is properly connected to Wi-Fi, follow these simple steps:

For all manipulations on bridge settings, ensure that it is close to the telephone (maximum 5 metres).
The bridge must always be connected to its power supply
Flipr Connect V1 only works on 2.4 GHz networks
The length of your Wifi password must be included in 8 and 30 characters
We do not accept open wifi networks (No password)

Verification of the connection

1. 1. Go to Settings Menu
First, open the Flipr app on your mobile device and go back to the settings: Menu / Settings

2. Select Gateways
In the "Settings" menu of the app, find and select the "Bridges" option.

3. Select the Concerned Gateway
If you have multiple gateways connected, choose the one you want to verify.

4. Verify the Connection Status
In the gateway settings, look for the "Connection Status" section. It should be clearly indicated whether connected or connected.

- If the status is **"Connected"**, congratulations! Your Flipr Connect is well connected to Wi-Fi, and you can continue to monitor your pool in peace.

It may happen that the status is indicated to be connected but the Flipr data does not reach you: unplug and reconnect to refresh the data and repeat verification.

- If the status is **"Disconnected"**, this means that the gateway has lost its Wi-Fi connection. You will need to follow the connection procedure to restart the connection.

- If no status is displayed, it means that either the gateway is not within range, interconnected, or has a deficiency

5. Connection Process in the Event of Connection
If the status is connected, follow the procedure to reconnect your Flipr Connect to Wi-Fi =>Flipr Connect is not connected

6. Verify the Physical Configuration
If, despite your efforts, you are unable to recover the connection settings, make sure that your Flipr Connect is properly connected to a power source and is at an acceptable distance from your phone.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your Flipr Connect is properly connected to Wi-Fi, allowing you to continue monitoring and optimizing your pool's water quality.

Colours of indicator lights

White: The gateway is not connected to Wifi

Mauve: The Gateway communicates with the APA (Faces)

Green: The gateway is connected to wifi

Blue Flashes: Gateway Receives Flipr data

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